Crit Three Introduction

Who am I?

This is what I look like in my meat skin.


Who am I?

I ask myself this question quite frequently. Maybe part of the reason I am here studying and making art is partly to find myself and what I am truly about? I am me; just another human being on my own unique wandering adventure filled with wonder. I am curious about everything. I find myself exploring my physical reality as it evolves and what comes of it. I find my self exploring what I can not see equally as much. I think I look at things differently than most. Sometimes, I find my self exploring my thoughts; I loose the sense of time, and what is around me, and I embrace it. When it comes to creating things, I am just merely exploring the moment. It may start with a thought or an idea, it could be a problem others face, it could be an issue I need to overcome and/or accept, it may just be a feeling I want to express visually, maybe it may be something someone else can take something from, or what ever that moment stems the desire to create whether it be me just thinking or engaging in the creating process in the moment.

Going to be about?

My work this semester is going to be just what I described above. I tend to bounce around from one piece to the next, each piece tends to be different. I will probably show pieces I have been working on. I have a few pieces I thought were finished, and go back too. I will show some in progress work, and some new finished pieces too.

Here is a piece from a couple of semesters ago. It broke into pieces during both firings. I am still working to finish it. I blew ink on it with a ceramic glaze mouth automatizer. I like to finish things other might discard and move on from. I work with what happens out of my control. I embrace chance and risk. I like to finish other pieces other discard too.



Here is my most recent pendant. Its made with sterling silver and Dragon vein agate. Yes, some say the heart is cliche, but I don’t. When I make these pendants I am putting myself, my heart and soul into them. I look at it like I am giving a piece of my heart. Sharing the love is never cliche to me. this is one of my more accurate wire works using the EKG heart beat. I have made quite a few of these pendants playing off the EKG symbolism. Some are more abstract than others, but each is unique in their own way. This one is sitting on one of my ceramic bowls from last semester as a base for the photo.


Just me having fun creating.

What artists do you look at for inspiration?

This is a good question. Polymaths are inspiring, and they don’t just have to be art polymaths. I find their key to being the “Jack of all trades” being their creative insight, ability to hyper focus, and being able to work with what they have on all levels in a universal manner. I strongly admire those individuals who can work out whatever that is, it doesn’t matter the medium or technique. They just do, and make things work. On a different level I can find inspiration from anyone or anything; it just may take some sorting of thoughts.

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